Forest Info
Wildfire Emergency and Forest Health
Wildfire EmergencyForest HealthForest MaintenanceDefensible Space Guidelines
External Structure
- Use fire resistant roofing material
- Enclose with screening or ‘hardyplank’ wooden patios and decks
- Clean gutters and roof of debris
- Remove branches which overhang roofs and decks
- Place gravel or rock around structure for 3 feet
- Place propane tanks at least 50 feet away
- Address signs clearly visible from the road
- Place screening over all external piping/vents that enters the house
Surrounding Defensible Space
Zone 1 - extends 30 feet from structures
- Remove all debris, slash, needles, leaves, dead branches and trees, etc.
- Remove all trees with canopies within 15 feet of the structure
- Prune trees within the space to at least 12 feet above ground
- Remove tall plants within 3-5 feet of structure
- Remove all plants directly beneath windows and vents
- Remove sagebrush and cut grass short
- Remove branches overhanging driveway
- Place wood for burning at least 50 feet away and uphill
Zone 2 – extends 100 feet from the structure (see below)
- Remove all slash, old wood stacks, fallen dead trees
- Remove standing dead trees
- Remove branches and ladder fuels to at least 8 feet
- Selective thinning to place crowns at least 15 feet apart
NOTE: See Firewise USA and Colorado State University Extension for the definition of Zone 2 defensible space. It extends to at least 100 feet out from the structure if built on flat ground. If the house is on a hill the defensible space is shorter going uphill and on the sides and longer downhill. For example, if the home is on a 20% slope the minimum space is 90 feet uphill and to the sides and 104 feet downhill.